Happy Thanksgiving!

Lifestyle, Personal

Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography

Even though it isn’t officially winter until the end of December, Thanksgiving feels like the transition that fall is coming to a close. The leaves have fallen to the ground, there is a crisp bite in the air that makes you want to snuggle up inside, light that first fire of the season, and the debate of when listing to Christmas music is permittable, is approved by all.

This year has been unforgettable to say the least. It has truly grounded us, brought us closer together as a family, cherishing these moments outdoors more than we ever thought possible. If anything this year, we’ve brought out our cameras more than just for sessions, but left it out so we can catch all this in-between moments. You know, the ones you will look back on and think yes, that was real life. Yes, portrait sessions are beautiful and a must have, but so are those mornings making pancakes, trying to catch butterflies, throwing rocks in the lake, holding your first ladybug, and splashing in the rain puddles.

Here’s to keeping our cameras out more often. We want a wall full of real moments. Happy Thanksgiving friends! We wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. Now let’s eat!

Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography
Legare Pumpkin Patch | Charleston Family Session | Laura & Rachel Photography

laura & rachel



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We are photographers, proposal planners, curators, and most of all, storytellers for your big life moments. We have worked in the wedding industry for over a decade, making one incredibly unique mother-daughter team and have documented weddings and proposals in destinations all around the world. Even though we've spent most of our lives in the nautical California town of Monterey, we now call South Carolina home, expanding to the low country of Charleston.